Paediatric Resuscitation Department,
Bristol Children’s Hospital
Key Facts
Client: United Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust
Value: £403K
Sector: Healthcare
Architect: CODA
Programme: 12 weeks
Contract: JCT Intermediate
Scope of Work: Reconfiguration of the Resuscitation and Triage areas of the Paediatric Department to provide additional resuscitation bay, new relatives room and W.C. and additional triage room, with minor works to staff room and reprovision of a cleaner’s room.
The Emergency Department remained fully operational for the duration of the construction works, and Oakland Construction had to carefully plan works around these areas to avoid noise, dust and loss of services to the medical facilities. Constant contact was maintained with the Ward Sister and the Project Manager to consider the day to day operations, including key programme dates.
Due to space constraints, all materials had to be unloaded and loaded on a daily basis.
The positive contribution of the Design team helped to deliver a very successful project and one that was most appreciated by the medical staff.