Mill House, Easton – New Build
Key Facts
Client: Bristol City Council
Value: £567k
Sector: Residential
Architect: Kendall Kingscott, Bristol
Programme: 45 weeks
Scope of Work: Demolition of redundant garages and construction of two traditionally built houses.
This project was the first of Phase 1 New Build Homes Programme by Bristol City Council, in which 100 new homes will be built over the next 2 years
Prior to commencement of works, Oakland Construction management team met with the residents of neighbouring properties, who would be directly affected by the works, in order to dispel their concerns. It also offered an opportunity to meet with the Site Manager who would be the point of contact for the duration of the project.
These pair of houses was traditionally built from block and brick and render construction but using a modern mono pitch zinc roof finish. The front elevations reference features from the adjoining Victorian properties using a parapet design.
Oakland Construction as members of LABC Warranty and Considerate Constructors scheme achieved the target of the BRE Code 4, for social, environmental and economic and sustainability of new build homes.
These 4 bedroom homes provide accommodation for larger families based upon the need in the local area. Shortly following completion, the homes were unveiled by Mayor George Ferguson.
As a result of this successful project, Oakland Construction was awarded another project of 4 new homes in Fishponds, Bristol.