Selworthy House & Dunster House, Foxhill, Bath
Key Facts
Client: Curo Places
Value: £1.1m
Sector: Social Housing
Architect: Kendall Kingscott
Programme: 26 weeks
Scope of works: Across two existing buildings containing 148 fully-occupied flats Oakland Construction installed an all new roofing system, including full perimeter guardrails and access points, along with all new external windows and doors to all of the properties. We also completed replacement fire door installations to each of the flats and communal areas.
Due to the height of the buildings a full perimeter scaffold was required to each building. To minimise disruption and inconvenience to the residents the works were carefully planned and delivered across multiple phases, with inspection and hold points at the end of each phase to ensure the works were being delivered to the client’s satisfaction.
To facilitate the installation of the replacement windows and doors required careful planning and close liaison with the residents, to ensure they were able to go about their normal routines as much as possible, whilst ensuring the works were completed in the required timeframes.
Due to the positive relationships our Site Management Team formed with the residents and the project team, we were able to deliver the works on time and with numerous positive references received from both the residents and the client team.